We’ve been loving primary colors lately, so here’s a little doodle of a monkey on his way to work rocking the red, yellow and blue.

The talented folks at Struck/Axiom designed this freaking fantastic toy shop, JouJou, that lives inside the The Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City. We illustrated some flying contraptions for them based off our holiday promo from last year. They were then made into toy models that hang from the ceiling of the shop and are featured on some of the shopping bags and in a neat animated promo for the hotel. Seriously how rad is that Musical Candy Organ?!

Happy New Year!

More images after the jump…



Here’s an illustration of a Lucky Cat we did for a project we’re working on with Chronicle Books. It’s been a super fun project and we can’t wait to see the finished pieces. This guy did not end up making the final cut, so we just wanted to give him a little shout out.